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Does Your Food Processing Unit Need a Commercial Rodent Pest Control?

HiCare    November 09, 2022   |   Wednesday

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Food is one of the basic necessities for not just human survival, but for the survival of all organisms, be it pests like rodents. Where there is food, there is a high possibility of a rodent infestation. Places like food processing units, where food is produced in abundance become the hotspots for rodents and other kinds of pests. Perhaps, this is the reason that pest infestation in food premises is very common.

Not just rodents, all sorts of pests, be it cockroaches, ants, beetles, and flies, are attracted to food. So, if you own a food processing unit, you must figure out whether your industry needs commercial rodent control or not. Ignoring it at the right time may damage your products and business as a whole.

In this post, we aim to acquaint you with the importance of pest control and is rodent pest control necessary for your food processing unit.

Table of Contents

Types of Rodents Found in Food Industry

Several types of rodents are found in various regions of India, and they can pose significant risks to food safety and hygiene. Some of the rodents commonly encountered in the Indian food industry include:

  • House Mouse (Mus musculus)
  • Norway Rat (Rattus norvegicus)
  • Black Rat (Rattus rattus)
  • Indian Gerbil (Tatera indica)
  • Indian Bush Rat (Golunda ellioti)
  • House Shrew (Suncus murinus)
  • Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis)

Top 7 Importance of Rodent Control

No matter how popular your food product is, your business reputation will be at stake if you allow pest infestation at your food processing unit. After cockroaches, rats and rodents are the most common pests that usually invade such food manufacturing factories.

Rats, mice, or rodents, all are known to spread diseases such as E. coli, Salmonella, Tularemia, Hantavirus, and Plague. These pesky pests are powerful enough to spread all these diseases through their droppings, urine, and chewing. So, just imagine the danger of eating food processed in a factory that is infested by such risky organisms! 

If you are still not convinced about the importance of rodent control at your food processing unit, read out the following benefits of the same:

  1. Prevents building and fixture damage inside the factory
  2. Saves business reputation
  3. Saves the food products from damage
  4. Saves the machinery and equipment
  5. Promotes food production
  6. Ensures smooth food production
  7. Prevents diseases spread by rats like plague

7 Signs of Rodent Infestation in Your Food Processing Unit

Now that you are aware of why it is important to consider rodent pest control in your food processing unit, it is time we also help you detect these creatures in your factory. Mentioned below are some signs that indicate that your food processing is home to rats:

  1. Visual Appearance
  2. Droppings and Urine Marks
  3. Foul Smell
  4. Torn or Damaged Food Packages
  5. Dead Rodents
  6. Gnawing Marks on Tables and Furnishing
  7. Scattered Leftover Food Products

5 Best Ways to Control Rodent in the Food Industry

Pest control in the food industry is indeed very important to ensure you produce hygienic foods and maintain food standards. No food production business can prosper if it compromises the health of the consumers by producing food products in a pest-infested factory. So, here are some effective ways for rodent control in the food manufacturing industry:

  1. Seal All Entry Points: Rats or rodents, as you may call them are experts in intruding on premises by squeezing themselves through holes, cracks, and little openings below the doors, and windows. So, the first main step to control rodents in your food processing unit is by sealing all the possible entry points of these creepy pests.
  2. Regular Sanitation Checks: Second crucial step that every food industry owner must take is to indulge in a regular sanitation check. Out of all the pests, rodents are the easiest to detect, as they can be seen running here and there. The most common sign of rodent infestation is live sighting at a premise. Ensure regular sanitation checks and avoid any kind of a mess at the factory to avoid the infestation of rats. Clean the product spills immediately leaving no scope for rodents to feed on them.
  3. Regular Equipment and Machine Inspection: We all know that rodents are experts in chewing up things. If hungry, these pests can bite the hardest of things be it electrical wires, plastic containers, or machinery. So, inspecting all your machines and equipment from time to time will help you detect their presence and plan for their eradication on time. Do not allow your staff to produce any products using rodent-damaged machinery.
  4. Regular Staff Training Sessions: Training your food factory staff plays a crucial role in eliminating chances of rodent infestation. Arrange for regular staff training sessions to update them with the right techniques for detecting pest infestations in the factory. During these sessions, your staff should be taught what to do if they sight rodents or other pests inside the factory. Also, ensure open communication with your staff, so that they can approach you when they see pests like rodents inside the unit.
  5. Regular Garbage Disposal System Inspection: Factories that produce food tend to have a lot of spillage and garbage. It is, therefore, important to have a proper garbage disposal system inside or outside the unit. Regular inspection of these garbage disposal systems is a must because these tend to attract rodents and other pests due to food dumping. Look out for signs of pest infestation at these disposal sights and take the right preventive measures at an early stage. You may talk to a pest service provider to initiate the right pest preventive measures.


What if the above-mentioned pest control measures fail to give you the desired results? The best solution, in that case, is to book commercial pest control services from pioneers like HiCare. The company has served several clients with commercial and residential pest control solutions in all the major cities of India.

Being India’s only HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) Certified Pest Service Provider, HiCare is known to provide active measures adhering to the global pesticide safety norms with its customized and safe solutions.


1. Why is commercial rodent control essential for food processing units?

Rodents can contaminate food products, spread diseases, and damage equipment, leading to severe health and safety risks. Commercial rodent control ensures a safe and hygienic environment for food processing.

2. How often should I schedule commercial pest control services for my food processing unit?

The frequency of commercial pest control depends on factors like the severity of infestations, the size of your facility, and local regulations. Regular inspections and treatments are typically recommended to prevent recurring problems.

3. Are the chemicals used in commercial pest control safe for food processing units?

Reputable pest control companies like HiCare use safe and approved chemicals for food processing environments. They follow industry standards and ensure compliance with relevant regulations to protect food safety.

4. What measures can I take to prevent rodent infestations in my food processing unit?

Implement good hygiene practices, seal potential entry points, store food properly, and maintain cleanliness. Regular inspections and training staff on pest awareness can also be beneficial.

5. How do commercial pest control companies identify and eliminate rodent infestations?

Commercial Pest control professionals perform thorough inspections to identify entry points, nesting areas, and signs of rodent activity. They then use a combination of traps, baits, and exclusion methods to eliminate the infestation.

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